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電郵: enq@hkwebdesign.net
Web Design, SEO, eCommerce & eMarketing


How to avoid building links for SEO in the wrong way

Link Building can bring traffic to your website and increases your site’s page rank on the search engines. Hence, Link Building plays an important role in the SEO and eMarketing. However, building links in a wrong way may get your website banned. There are a list of what not to do when trying to obtain links to your website. Continue reading

Avoid unethical SEO techniques in Search Engine Optimization

Avoid unethical SEO techniques in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Since more and more web surfers rely search engines to find information and make purchasing decision, it is common and important to use SEO techniques to optimize the web pages to get higher ranking in the search results. However, the search engines will blacklist and ban your entire website if you or your SEO service provider use the unethical SEO techniques to trick the search engines. Hence, it should note and avoid the following unethical practices Continue reading

Consider future expansion during web design

Web Design is vital to the success of the website construction. It is especially true to allow for future expansion when you are building a website. The corporate requirements will change and grow rapidly and hence your website is never finished. You must foresee future needs and plan ahead logically before proceeding to the website construction. It includes Continue reading

Consider Social Media for Web Site Marketing

Social Media networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. allow you to build large lists of contacts and supporters that can help to spread the word about your business and web site. Social Media Optimization (SMO) / Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a form of marketing that focuses on generating traffic, buzz, and building links to your web site by participation in various social media web sites. Continue reading
